So the answer is yes you can burn off-road diesel in a heating oil furnace with no ill effects.Click to see full answer. People also ask, is heating oil the same as off road diesel?To keep the article uniform, we will refer to it as Off-Road Diesel Fuel) is not the same fuel as heating oil. Even though Heating Oil and Off-Road Diesel Fuel are the same color, red (the red dye in the fuel is used to distinguish for tax purposes), they are not the same fuel.Likewise, is it OK to use diesel fuel in a kerosene heater? Kerosene heaters wick the fuel up and start to evaporate and it is these vapors that you are burning. Diesel fuel will wick up fine. That is why there is no such thing as a carburetor with diesel fuel. You can pour diesel on the floor and toss a burning match upon it, it will not burn. Considering this, can you substitute diesel fuel for heating oil? Diesel fuel used in diesel powered vehicles and other engines, is basically No. 2 home heating oil. Homeowners can substitute diesel fuel for home heating oil in any quantity necessary while awaiting delivery of home heating oil from their local distributor. Diesel fuel is a substitute for home heating oil.Can red diesel damage your engine?No, since it is just regular diesel with a red dye. The dye itself won’t do any damage to your motor or other internal parts of the car either. Off road machines use the same diesel motor as any other vehicle.
