The American Kennel Club, which we hope will soon put corporate greed aside and allow for inter-league play with the National Kennel Club and Vince McMahon's Extreme Kennel Club, states that the most trainable dogs generally come from the Working, Herding, and Sporting groups of breeds. Their No. 1 pick is the border collie. These weaponizable shedding machines are widely the most intelligent pups on the planet. But there's a catch.
As anyone with a gifted kid that won't stop taking apart the family computer can tell you, being smart means getting bored, so border collies need a constant outlet for their intelligence. The AKC recommends agility training or a regular 9-to-5 herding livestock. Without something to keep them occupied, collies can tend towards destructive behaviors like pulling apart your furniture to see what's inside. Basically, border collies can be immensely obedient and smart as whip, but only if you remember to treat them like the high-energy cleverclogs that they are.
The AKC also points out that just about any dog can be trained with patience and affection, so if you're looking for a new pooch, be sure to check your local animal shelter first.