Banks goes behind Bliss. Bliss runs to the ropes. Semi clean break by Banks. Bliss lands a shoulder tackle. After a tackle dropdown spot Banks floors Bliss with a dropkick. Bliss rolls out of the ring to collect herself. Banks hits a rope walk arm drag off the top. Double knees in the corner by Banks. Bliss misses a clothesline in the corner. Banks arm drags Bliss. Bliss’ arm is dislocated. Banks looks mortified. Banks walks over and Bliss levels her with an elbow to the face. Bliss pops her arm back into place. Banks surprises Bliss with a backstabber. Banks tries to lock in the Banks Statement but Bliss rolls to the outside. Banks follows but Bliss sweeps Banks leg while she is on the apron. Banks hit back first on the hardest part of the ring. Insult to injury by Bliss for a near fall.

Bliss works over Banks’ back. Bliss back breaker by Bliss. Banks manages to suplex Bliss into the corner. Both Superstars are struggling to get to their feet. Bliss and Banks lock hands and elbow each other. Bliss sends Banks into the corner but Bliss walks right into a double boot. Bliss tries to kick Banks but Banks catches her foot. High knee by Banks. Shining wizard by Banks for another near fall. Banks is favoring her back. Bliss elbows Banks in the face and hits a snap sunset flip for a near fall. Bliss throws a tantrum on the mat. Bliss goes up top for the sparkle splash. Banks gets her knees up! Banks hops on Bliss and locks in the Banks Statement! Bliss eventually makes it to the ropes. Bliss slams Banks head on the apron. Banks leaves the ring and tosses Bliss into the barricade. Banks tries to pull Bliss back into the ring but Bliss catches her with an overhead punch. Bliss gets herself counted out.

Winner- Sasha Banks
